Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains who we are, why and how we collect and work with personalized data, and the rights you have as a User when you provide us with any personal information, as well as how you can get in touch with us should you need to do so.

We reserve the right to update and modify this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason.

The date of the latest Privacy Policy update can be seen in the “Last Updated” line at the top of this page.

Who we are

We are Unicorners. Our contact information and address are provided at the bottom of this Privacy Policy. We are the end-controllers of your personal data and process it according to the conditions stipulated in this Policy.

Additional information about the processing of your personal data can be introduced in offer descriptions, additional statements on confidentiality, or in notifications shown at times personal data is being collected.

Some Unicorners websites might have their own Privacy Policy with a description of the procedure with which your personal information is processed on these websites.

If a notification is displayed during the collection of data, or a confidentiality statement of a specific website or solution contradicts this Privacy Policy, the statement or notification will prevail over this Policy.

Whose personal data do we process?

We can process your personal data if:
  • You are a client or vendor of Unicorners (or are interested in becoming one);
  • You use products and/or services that have been developed by us;
  • You work for our client and/or vendor, or someone who uses services and/or products that have been developed by us;
  • You are a client (or work for a client), who we want to tell about and offer our services and/or products;
  • You are our employee, subcontractor, or are interested in working with us.

Whose data do we not process?

We deliberately do not request or collect personal data of children under 13 years of age and do not offer them our services. If we discover that a person under the age of 13 has given us their personal data without parental approval, we will take all necessary measures to delete this information.

Unicorners recommends parents and guardians to oversee the actions of children on the Internet. If you believe that we may have been given personal information from a person who hasn’t yet reached the age of consent in your jurisdiction without the necessary approval, please tell us, and we will take all necessary measures.